Don't Miss the Boat!

In less time than you can holler, hoist the main sail, bookings for the SCBWI Sydney 2016 Conference will open. Yes, jump on board and secure your tickets NOW!

The Sydney 2016 Conference is shaping up to be a premier event packed with incentives, workshops, awards, and opportunities to fulfill all of your illustrating and writing aspirations. The Conference Program is now set with some sensational sessions and master-classes lined up, all guaranteed to strengthen your insight into the world of creating children’s books.

Along with a dazzling array of industry professionals from Australia and the US ready to 'gently comment' on your work, this promises to be an exceptional literary conference and networking experience, not to be missed. Spaces are limited so it’s a case of first in best dressed.

Best to get a wriggle on. You don’t want to miss your boat and be stuck waiting on the dock.

Browse the links below for detailed information, date deadlines, rates and how to book.

Now that you are ready to set sail, sit back and stay tuned. In the coming months, you’ll get to know some of the faces behind the scenes, meet our Roving Reporter Team and much more.

Rove ya’ later!   Dimity